Top doc: Experiments on dogs cruel and unnecessary

Posted by Justin Goodman
16 December 2016 | Blog


Our campaign to expose and end wasteful government experiments on dogs and other animals is picking up steam. Our supporters have sent more than 57,000 letters to Congress, a growing bipartisan group of Congress members is taking government agencies to task, and we’re making headlines nationwide.

Image result for lawrence hansen

Now, world-class scientists are speaking out, too.  In a new op-ed in the San Diego Union-Tribune, one of the White Coat Waste Project’s scientific advisers, Dr. Lawrence Hansen, writes:

As a physician, researcher and dog lover — and someone who once reluctantly experimented on dogs — a new bipartisan push to end the government’s use of dogs for invasive and unnecessary experiments in Southern California and elsewhere is a welcome development for ethical, scientific and economic reasons.

Dr. Hansen knows his stuff. He is a professor of neuroscience and pathology at the University of California-San Diego (UCSD) School of Medicine. He teaches, works with patients, conducts research and has been recognized as of the “Top 100 Alzheimer’s Disease Investigators” by the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease. He continues in the eye-opening op-ed:

Experiments on dogs aren’t scientifically “necessary,” especially when we have superior research technologies like human organs-on-chips to model diseases and test drugs. 

Unfortunately, like the old-school medical student dog labs, these taxpayer-funded experiments on dogs are a bad habit that’s hard to break. Constantly developing, testing, discarding and retooling doomed animal “models” of human ailments has become a perpetually blooming money tree for government employees and the companies that sell them puppies to infect, cut up and kill. The NIH’s forced heart attack experiments on dogs alone have received just shy of $6 million since 2011.

Support Dr. Hansen’s call to end wasteful dog experiment by contacting your Members of Congress and urging them to end wasteful experiments on dogs and other animals in government laboratories.

Blog Comments

Please help end wasteful experiments on dogs and other animals in government laboratories.

Any human being who does experimentation on an animal is a mentally sick person. The wasted money & animal abuse is horrific!

There are many other ways to test items without using animals.

There are many other ways to test chemicals.

I also agree all experiments on animals should stop

this is great & so long overdue;keep up the great work

Thank you to the brave people who are helping to end this government waste. The insidiousness of animal experiments is a pathetic example of secret spending and abuse.
Drain the swamp and allow technology to be used instead.
I do not want my tax dollars spent on this. Ever.

Just plain cruelty that serves no purpose whatsoever. STOP the testing on poor animals….

It is beyond my comprehension, the levels to which some members of the “human race” can sink!!! The lack of respect and compassion is absent from those who choose to participate in this cruelty. You know it is a choice, to be involved in such deplorable actions against animals!! Plain and simple language you may understand is STOP!!! The phrase for today is: STOP ANIMAL CRUELTY NOW!!!!☹️

I am sick to think my tax dollars are used to inflict horrible things on animals and all simply for profit? No other benefit to humans than making money. Please stop this injustice!!!!

Paying people to do the devils work for no beneficial reason is beyond cruel. Hiding information and facts shows your guilt. Please stop wasting money.

Stop this horror!

Stop this disgusting research on dogs. There are other ways for research then using an innocent animal and ruining his life for good. Dogs are companions not waste to throw away.

We have to find a way to care for our animal friends and not use them for our own reasons as they are worth less than we are. They are worth just as much as humans. Please end this now.

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