Thanks to our dedicated supporters, we reached an historic milestone this week: Our petitions (on the WCW site & pressing Congress to end cruel and wasteful government experiments on dogs eclipsed a combined 260,000 signatures.
A majority of Americans want to see this taxpayer-funded abuse ended, and we’re making sure your voices are heard loud and clear on Capitol Hill. We’re working with the House and Senate to increase transparency and accountability about animal experiments in government laboratories. The message of ending wasteful government spending and animal cruelty transcends party lines, and we have exciting projects in the works for the new Congress and administration.
We’ve also been excited to garner the support of high-profile public figures from across the cultural spectrum, including Go-Go’s founder Jane Wiedlin:
Three-time U.S. Olympic gold medalist Misty May-Treanor
Grammy-nominated songwriter Neko Case
and recent Celebrity Apprentice contestant, TV personality and author Carrie Keagan
If you haven’t already, take a moment to contact your Members of Congress and urge them to help end wasteful experiments on dogs and other animals in government laboratories.
Please stop making dogs and other helpless animals subjected to wasteful government research.
Stop testing on ANY animal! Stop this abuse!
Please stop this it’s so horrible. This is animal abuse.