VICTORY: WCW ends all USDA kitten testing, retires survivors

Posted by Justin Goodman
02 April 2019 | #GiveThemBack, Blog, Featured

Following an intensive year-long White Coat Waste Project (WCW) campaign, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has just announced it is ending all cat experiments and adopting out the 14 cats remaining at its laboratory. The news comes just two weeks after WCW released its report exposing the USDA’s kitten cannibalism experiments using cats and dogs purchased from meat markets in China.

USDA ends cat experiments

WCW first exposed the USDA’s secretive kitten laboratory in May 2018 using the Freedom of Information Act and launched the grassroots and lobbying campaign to shut it down. It was the largest kitten experimentation lab in the entire federal government and a program that was taxpayer-funded for nearly 50 years. The USDA wasted over $22 million and slaughtered and incinerated more than 3,000 health kittens. It continued to spend $650,000 annually and kill up to 100 kittens in the project, but that’s now been stopped for good.

USDA ends cat experiments

Over one million WCW supporters called on USDA to stop the testing and release the cats. WCW’s first amendment lawsuit compelled the State of Maryland to run our eye-catching bus and train ads criticizing the testing.  And our open records lawsuit forced USDA to turn over documents about its “kitten slaughterhouse.”

USDA ends cat experiments

Congress responded almost immediately to WCW’s exposé. Representative Jimmy Panetta (D-CA), former Rep. Mike Bishop (D-MI) and Senator Jeff Merkley introduced the bipartisan KITTEN Act to end the USDA’s cat experiments. The bill, which was reintroduced for the new Congressional session just two weeks ago by Panetta, Merkley and Reps. Brian Mast (R-FL), Elissa Slotkin (D-MI) and Will Hurd (R-TX) has already garnered over 50 Republican and Democrat cosponsors so far this Congressional session. Last year, Congress and President Trump also enacted legislation urging the USDA to end the testing and adopt out the cats.

USDA ends cat experiments

This is a historic victory and we’re proud to share it with the 2 million WCW supporters who helped make it possible!

Blog Comments

[…] organization noted in a statement on its website that the “WCW first exposed the USDA’s secretive 37-year-old kitten […]

It’s hard to believe what goes on behind closed doors. Thank God people who care and who shed light on the ridiculous torture of animals. It goes to show a few people can make a huge difference! Don’t ever be silent about the abuse of the voiceless! Thanks you!!!!

We need to continue this vigilant care of the defenseless creatures God has entrusted in our care.

This is so cruel and unnecessary for these people to do I dont understand why they feel the need to do this humanity is so selfish they are living creatures and euthinization to this all of it is unfair to these poor innocent animals keep fighting this problem and Winn this because these kittens deserve more than this they deserve love and food and a home

am really sad and heart broken when I watched that video, two/three ladies killing the cute kitten by their feet, am really upset kindly do something and arrest them,
Thank you!
love from Pakistan.

First victory of many!! Next, hopefully every single dog and puppy shall be released and adopted out now, that being said, i hope all kittens AND ADULT CATS are included in this victory!! Im so greatful to god! Hes the reason change is happening! Ever since the DCMT was ended in the U.S.A. , everything is turning around all over the globe in favour of animal rights and laws! Thank you WCW for bringing this to light! Thank you to everyone who shared, signed and donated to the petition! Its time to end ALL testing in the U.S.A… Including in college, university, ALL LEVELS OF GOVERNMENT AS WELL AND, ALL ABUSE ECT AND ALL MISTREATMENT OF ALL ANIMALS! Meaning, make it so that we finally win the fight in all areas and all known and secret things being done to all animals including circuses, sea world, marinelamd ect, so that no animal is treated anyway but lke kings, queens and like beloved family members who ALL have and find amazing, loving forever homes or, a sanctuary where they are treated as stated above and be sheltered ect.

Thank god!! Poor babies. I hope the remaining cats get good homes.
Just curious. Will these individuals that conducted the experiments be out of work? I hope so! They don’t deserve to have jobs. What would they put on their resume, kitten torture and killing?

This is unbelievable, I cannot believe this is being done in today’s world. This disgust me and the fact that we fund this kind of treatment takes my breath away. Where is the sanity in this world, sometimes I feel like I don’t belong here because so much evil goes on daily and I can’t even comprehend or deal with it. This could have happened to my dog, it could have happened to anybody’s animals. They don’t care who they slaughter I don’t even understand why they’re doing this experiment. These guys need to be prosecuted fur animal cruelty ASAP. Now Excuse me while I throw up!!!!!!😯

Good point. They will simply write a grant and get a seemingly endless supply of funding, courtesy of the American taxpayer.


Whoa….its not the American way….usda dept. Of agriculture maybe. That is not the American way. America found out and America stopped it. Thank you kitten lady!÷!

OMG what does the President and other morons mean when they say Muslims (or other races/countries etc) do not have the same respect for people and decency. One needs a backhoe to find where ever the US buried the bar last time.


Thanks for the excellent work on this! The government doesn’t always do what it says it’s going to do, as we know, so I’m wondering if there will be follow up to monitor this situation.

Also, these kittens are most likely already traumatized from the conditions that they’ve been kept in. They will need to be placed with people who can be caring and patient with the behaviors that they will exhibit as a result.

Torture for profit is the American and USDA way. Those responsible ought to be charged and convicted of animal torture, murder and extortion of public funds. The “USDA” and other “official government entities” with their power over model create the laws and manipulate the public, Some people know the truth…
“Kitten research”…factory farming, animal experimentation… “dog and monkey, cow pig, sheep and horse research”…USDA meat research center” very officicial sounding, but all just a cover for legalized and torture of animals, often subsidized by the public.

This is a great victory! But what about the dogs?

We are still fighting for the dogs: Stay tuned to our blog and Facebook page for the latest campaign info!

What a wonderful outcome – I am sooooo happy. Thanks to all who have a heart and signed the petition. I look forward to the day when all of God’s creatures are treated with love, respect and compassion.

Thanks to WCW and everyone involved for making these victories happen. Thank you, Freedom of Information Act, for letting this happen!

For what purpose was depr. Of agric. Doing this terrible act on these poor beautiful animals? What were they trying to accomplish? It makes no sense. Like really what experiments this heinous could provide any….like what the hell…??? Is it for their own sick pleasure???

From Smokey the Cat: Right now I am quietly looking out the window of the apartment where I live with my human mom and brother. I love them very much and they love me very much. I never had to worry about this type of cruel act being forced upon me. I am one in a million cats that had the luck of someone taking care of me. So many cats do not have that pleasure. Thank you so much for stopping these cruel physical acts that were put on my fellow felines. Simply said, it is nothing but pure evil. Meow.

Ohmy gosh!!!! Thank you WCP for exposing the evil they do to those lil angels. We would gave been helling nione ever dreamed such evil was done to such innocent orecioys forgiving lil angel eyes.We will do everything there is to do to Stoo the horrors those lil angels endured.They dont deserve that They are put here to bring us love and thst us what they di bedt.zHopefully soin. The ones who did yhat to them will ROT here in esrth Keep the goid word.We zluv WCP!



Stop die grauenvollen labortests für Kitten … danke dass sie sich einsetzen das grauen zu stoppen. Wascsind das für brutale Menschen die Tiere so quälen … diese Menschen müssten das Leid auch einmal durchmachen was die hilflos ausgelieferten Tieren antun. Wann hört das grauen auf … stop

Stop das grauenvolle experimentieren an Tieren … habt ihr kein Mitgefühl … es gibt Alternativen und viele Experimente sind überflüssig … was sind das für brutale, gefühlsarme Menschen, die Tiere so leiden sehen … stop

Thank you. Your choice to stop the experiments has made a large impact on our world. It is time to stop this madness and respect all of creatures.

I have four beautiful loving cats and one faithful beautiful dog. All the cats were original found outside lost , our hurt and scared. They all have their own needs and rely so much on the persons who loves them. They are all different but all have needs other than basic. They need affection Care and kindness. Using ANY animal as an object for experiment is evil and demonic ..
I hope this practice is ending and never tears it’s UGLY
Head again!
Thank you

a fantastic day for everyone involved. now for the yulin meat market!!! if that is stopped I will die happy

Now I can call America cat-friendly again!

Thank You All for SAVING those kittens & cats long over due but ITS DONE ✅ hallelujah thank you Lord thank you Jesus because those are your children to

[…] the parasite harvested in their system and their infected feces had been obtained. According to the White Coat Waste Project, a non-profit devoted to eliminating animal testing, the research program has cost $22 million and […]

[…] the parasite harvested in their system and their infected feces had been obtained. According to the White Coat Waste Project, a non-profit devoted to eliminating animal testing, the research program has cost $22 million and […]

[…] the parasite harvested in their system and their infected feces had been obtained. According to the White Coat Waste Project, a non-profit devoted to eliminating animal testing, the research program has cost $22 million and […]

Thank you! Keep up the good work. Let’s stop ALL animal testing.

Such wonderful news regarding the end to testing on kittens. Now to continue on to end all government testing on all animals


[…] the parasite harvested in their system and their infected feces had been obtained. According to the White Coat Waste Project, a non-profit devoted to eliminating animal testing, the research program has cost $22 million and […]

This is terrific news!!! Everyone who was involved in ending these experiments deserves a huge THANK YOU from all of humanity and all forms of life!!! Love triumphed over evil!!!

This is amazing news!! Thank you WCW for all you do and for working to put an end to this barbaric testing of kittens! Shame on the US government for wasting our tax dollars like this!!

So many of us are grateful to WCW for not giving up on the fight to be a voice for the animals. Hopefully, there is a special place in hell for humans who experiment and torture animals.

[…] White Coat Waste issued a statement Wednesday declaring victory over the wasteful government program. […]

This is so wonderful. We all fought for this and finally won! Now it’s time to get back to work to help to stop other animal abuses in labs. The beagles, the other dogs, the rabbits, etc…. Let’s all keep fighting for them too!!

[…] White Coat Waste issued a statement Wednesday declaring victory over the wasteful government program. […]

[…] White Coat Squander issued a assertion Wednesday declaring victory around the wasteful government system. […]

Thank you, thank you, thank you! God bless all of you for your determination to stop this! All the little angels we lost are now with God and no more suffering. God is crying out for our help as His Animal Kingdom is continually abuse by humans. The war to save our fellow beings must go on! Away we march on!

Lo logramos entre todos este éxito ,DE LIBERACIÓN DE GATÍTOS EN EXPERIMENTOS.


We Did It Guys; We Shut Down The Kitten Slaughterhouse. I’m So Proud Of This Community, We Did A Good Thing.

An eye Doctor is severing three Beagles spines this week at the Cleveland VA. The mutilation and torture continues.

Animal testing is ineffective and not necessary. Please read the actual science.
The Food and Drug Administration reports that 92 out of every 100 drugs that pass animal tests fail in humans. Forward-thinking scientists have developed humane, modern, and effective non-animal research methods, including human-based microdosing, in vitro technology, human-patient simulators, and sophisticated computer modeling, that are cheaper, faster, and more accurate than animal tests.
If you are a researcher, have you studied the alternatives?
“For example, if a senior professor in academia has spent his entire career developing experimental techniques on monkeys’ brains and young researchers now tell him ‘actually we don’t need to do this, we can do it on a computer’, it undermines his approach.”
Require that all research proposals are submitted to ; vetted for alternatives

Government finally got something right!

Thank you God🙏🙏🙏. Thank you WhiteCoat Waste! Thank you all of the bipartisan Congress members who voted this horrible abuse be ended, and thank you, President Trump for signing the bill to end this torture.

finalmente una buona notizia per quelle povere indifese creature, mi auguro che questo si diffonda e che gli animali finiscano di soffrire per colpa nostra

Grazie a quello che avete fatto per fermare questa tortura nei confronti di esseri innocenti e indifesi

[…] mais de 30 anos de experiências em gatos, a divulgação deste relatório colocou um fim neste programa e a USDA anunciou o fim das experiências em gatos e colocou para adoção os últimos 14 gatos do […]

cats are beutiful kind creatures that do not deserve to be killed and i’m glad they stopped

Thank you from the bottom of my heart whitecoat waste project and to members of Congress who voted to end this horrific abuse. Thank you President Trump for signing the bill and a Huge Thank you to Hannah Shaw aka Kitten Lady for never your endless efforts and being the voice for these beautiful tiny souls. It’s a beautiful day!!! 🙏🏼🙏🏼

I’m so happy that this stopped! It’s crazy to think people would do this to animals! Even if the people who did this are suffering because they lost their job they deserve it!!!!!

I am crying happy tears, they stopped killing kittens. I am hurting for the thousands that they have killed. I am praying all the time to my Jesus for these animals, that they will be left alone, and be able to live on this earth in peace, and not be harmed. They have that right too. They are Gods creatures, and that is what God wants, why do you think we have this virus going on. WAKE up call, God wants all this to stop. NO MORE. Those tiny little kittens, how these people could even hurt me I can’t even fathom this in my mind, they must have such evil in them, but God takes care of those in due time. I pray all of us animal lovers will keep fighting for these animals, and no more of them will be tortured for stinking fur, food, experimentation for no good stinking reason, cosmetics, pocketbooks, these poor animals suffered immensely for the comfort of human beings, when vegan products or just has good, vegan cosmetics etc too, and no need for experimenting on animals. Look at the faces of animals, there is love there. look at them in those cages, frightened faces, please let’s keep fighting for them. And lets keep praying to Jesus.



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