There’s been an earthquake in Los Angeles. And it’s the BIG ONE.
This announcement follows years of WCW campaigning (and a previous victory shutting down the same lab’s dog experiments) including:
We did this for taxpayers everywhere. And we did it for victims like Artemis, a “friendly + curious” kitten who was secretly killed at the LA VA on your dime.
The whistleblower identified this cat as Artemis. Records obtained by WCW through our Freedom of Information Act lawsuit reveal Artemis was killed by taxpayer-funded white coats at the LA VA on January 30, 2020, after three years of extreme abuse.
In addition to confirming the end of the wasteful testing, CBS LA investigative reporter David Goldstein exposed never-before-seen photos and videos from an LA VA lab whistleblower.
The images depict cats with “head caps” that were screwed into their skulls to insert electrodes into their brains and restrain their heads during experiments.
This is the LA VA lab where dogs and cats were abused in wasteful taxpayer-funded experiments until WCW shut them down.
CATS Act sponsor Waste Warrior Rep. Dina Titus (D-NV)—who has led Congressional efforts to defund the VA’s sick experiments on cats (and dogs) with Army veteran Reps. Brian Mast (R-FL), VA funding panel chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL), and Sen. Brian Schatz (D-HI)—cheered the announcement of the LA VA cat lab’s closure.
She also reiterated the need for the CATS Act to be enacted in order to permanently end all the VA’s cruel and wasteful cat experiments.
💪 One down, two to go. 💪
With the LA VA’s taxpayer-funded cat lab in the litter box of history, we’re coming for the VA’s two remaining taxpayer-funded kitten catastrophes in Cleveland and Louisville. And we’ve got a supermajority of taxpayers on our side.
The LA VA wasted over $5 million on kitten de-braining and suffocation experiments. WCW just ended it.
When the money stops, the killing stops.
Don’t forget: We’ve already cleaned out the Feds’ biggest cat lab: The USDA’s $22 million Kitten Slaughterhouse. This leaves the VA as the last remaining government lab doing painful cat experiments.
Now we’re on the verge of ending ALL government cat experimentation!
Please help us put the FINAL NAIL in its coffin. Tell Congress to pass the CATS Act!
This is barbaric. Stop it now
Non !!!! A l’expérimentation animale !!! Ça suffit !!! Il y a d’autre méthodes plus fiables et surtout pas cruelles ❌ STOP 🛑 !!!
Stoppt Tierversuche! Jetzt und für immer! Tiere sind fühlende Lebewesen!!!
Stoppt Tierversuche! Jetzt und für immer! Tiere sind fühlende Lebewesen!!!
Stop animal abuse NOW!!
animal testing is bullshit.
How can any halfway intelligent human being do this to another living creature?
I’m hopeful that we can all band together to shut down the animal testing labs all over the U.S. It continues to be horrifying that people are paid to do these unnecessary and extremely painful lab experiments. Lock up the labs and throw away the key!
Thank you to everyone who helped save these cats. They have feelings just like humans ( probably more feelings than we do )!
This must stop. Animals are sentient beings that show love, and deserve our love, not abuse. I will never understand how cruelty of any kind can be perpetrated at the hands of humans.
All animal testing has to stop. The people doing this are cruel and inhumane Don’t touch any animal for experimenting.. You wouldn’t like this treatment. Why do they think its okay to do this at all.
THANK YOU to the WCW for exposing these atrocities to innocent creatures and for exposing the continuous, shameful and never ending wasteful tax payers money. IMAGINE what they could do with ALL the billions if it wasn’t being used to inflict pain, unspeakable suffering and certain death. forgive student loans, help the homeless, education, affordable medicine for all, etc. makes me think of what has yet TO BE exposed, what other evils are hidden behind closed doors.
I wish someone. Would do that to them.
How can people who conduct these barbaric, disgusting, repetitive experiments look in the mirror? How do they sleep, live with themselves
Thank you for stopping these terrible experiments. They were abominable, but we must keep working to stop useless experiments, actually all experiments on innocent animals.
Stop this horrible experiments on cats
A n all animals.
✋️ stop this horrible experiments on cat NOW!!!
This is a terrible thing you’re doing these innocent cats don’t deserve this, I just don’t know what’s wrong with people.
Stop hurting and killing these innocent animals