As White Coat Waste Project first exposed to Congress and the international media, Dr. Anthony Fauci’s division at the National Institutes of Health secretively shipped part of a $3.7 million grant funded with your tax money to the Wuhan Animal Lab for wasteful and cruel coronavirus “gain-of-function” experiments.
Dr. Fauci backed controversial Wuhan lab with millions of U.S. dollars for risky coronavirus research
— Newsweek (@Newsweek) April 28, 2020
Many experts believe these dangerous experiments caused the COVID-19 pandemic.
Yep, you unwittingly paid a lab run by the Chinese Communist Party to manipulate coronaviruses collected from wild bats and conduct animal experiments to make the viruses deadlier and more contagious to humans.
And the lab is STILL AUTHORIZED TO GET EVEN MORE of your money.
It’s Tax Week, which means that you just paid your due to Uncle Sam. But is this how you want your money spent?
Our new ad campaign holds NIH accountable for this scary spending and makes sure Fauci can’t dodge the issue any longer.
The ad will be running in print here in Washington and will be plastered on trucks and trains near NIH HQ and Capitol Hill to ensure Fauci and his NIH colleagues know we aren’t letting this go.
Help us prevent this waste and abuse from happening ever again by telling Congress to permanently defund the Wuhan Animal Lab!
Stop animal experiments
“Dr Franken-Fauci”. Kinda says it all, yes? Maybe add, “and his mystifying Gain of Bat science”.
Spread the word.
“Dismal Dave” Lancon/ The Flea Market Economist
Please defund the Wuhan lab. Isn’t the Covid virus the result of experiments carried out at this lab enough to put an end to taxpayer funded horrors?
Stop using my tax dollars on this ridiculous thing!!!
Stop Experiments for Animals it is a cruel stop ist is terrible
Stop the cruel
Stop die grauenhaften Tests an unschuldigen Tieren. Das muss endlich aufhören. Die Menschen dort und die regierung müssen aktiv dagegen kämpfen. Wie ist es möglich, dass Menschen Tieren soviel leid und Schmerzen zufügen.