Energy Dept, FBI Chief, Others Say Wuhan Animal Lab Leak Caused COVID

03 March 2023 | Blog

In early 2020, when White Coat Waste Project (WCW) first exposed taxpayer funding for the Wuhan animal lab and raised concerns about a possible lab leak, the Washington Post mocked us and called the idea “nonsense” and “misinformation.”

In three not-so-short years, the lab leak hypothesis has gone from “conspiracy theory” to popular opinion. Today, a growing majority of U.S. taxpayers—and people around the world—believe that a lab leak caused COVID and wants Congress to get answers about the dangerous animal experiments Fauci funded in Wuhan.

Lab Leak Caused COVID

Now, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE),  a member of the U.S. intelligence community, has determined that the COVID pandemic likely started as the result of a lab accident in Wuhan.  According to reports, the DOE’s team of experts,concluded as part ofa new government-wide intelligence assessment that a lab accident was most likely the triggering event for the world’s worst pandemic in a century.”

Lab Leak Caused COVID

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) was the first U.S. agency to conclude the same back in 2021.  Now, its chief, Christopher Wray, has personally come out in favor of the lab leak hypothesis:

Lab Leak Caused COVIDLab Leak Caused COVID

Dr. Deborah Birx, former Fauci colleague and White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator, also spoke out this week about her belief that the Wuhan animal lab caused COVID:

Wray, Birx and others are in good company. Previously, the former heads of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) also expressed their belief that the pandemic originated at the Wuhan animal lab.

We need to determine how the pandemic started to prevent another.  We also need to crack down on dangerous, cruel, and wasteful taxpayer-funded animal experiments at home and abroad.

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