Busted By WCW: Harvard Monkey Maimer Broke Federal Law

06 June 2023 | Blog

Back in 2017, White Coat Waste Project (WCW) first documented how Harvard University and other Ivy League schools raked in billions of tax dollars for cruel and wasteful animal experiments (like Harvard’s mouse fight club!) while regularly violating federal law requiring that they publicly disclose how the money is being spent.  A subsequent federal audit confirmed our findings and called for reforms to improve compliance with this important transparency law.

Apparently, the wasteful white coats at Harvard didn’t get the memo—or, more likely, ignored it—and we’re not letting them get away with wasting our money and keeping taxpayers in the dark!

Actual photo from Harvard’s taxpayer-funded lab where female monkeys are repeatedly impregnated and their traumatized babies are ripped from them right after birth for use in brain experiments.

WCW has just filed a new federal complaint with the National Institutes of Health (NIH) detailing how Harvard and one of its chief monkey maimers have repeatedly violated a law that requires (since the 1980s!) that they disclose in press releases and other public communications how much taxpayer money they’ve wasted torturing primates.

The Harvard primate lab in question has raked in more than $33 million from the NIH since 1985 to rip baby monkeys from their mothers at birth, sew the babies’ eyes shut, drill into their skulls, implant electrodes into their brains, and lock them in restraints. The experimenters then study the psychological damage they cause to the traumatized mothers and their deprived infants.

Actual photo from Harvard’s taxpayer-funded lab where traumatized female monkeys are given stuffed animals after their babies are ripped from them right after birth for use in other experiments.

These wasteful and cruel taxpayer-funded primate experiments are even opposed by Harvard’s own law school and hundreds of experts including Dr. Jane Goodall (who helped WCW shut down the FDA’s nicotine test on baby monkeys and retire the survivors!).

Is this how you want your money spent?  We’re demanding that the NIH investigate and defund Harvard’s primate abuse.

WCW is proud to be the only organization that has shut down any government primate experimentation labs in over half a decade. We’ve nearly wiped out all primate tests at the Department of Veterans Affairs, cut the FDA’s primate abuse by 44%, and have been leading efforts to expose and end the NIH’s monkey business.

Blog Comments

please stop all animal testing. There is no reason in this day & age to torutre animals for any reason, when there are more accurate 7 modern forms of testing available.

Humans are the real savage animals.

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