UPDATE: In September, the Biden Administration officially blacklisted the Wuhan animal lab for the next ten years. We’re still working to make the defund permanent!
Since April 2020 when White Coat Waste Project (WCW) first exposed Fauci’s funding for dangerous gain-of-function experiments at the Wuhan animal lab, we have been leading successful efforts with Congress that have ensured the white coats in Wuhan—including COVID’s likely Patient Zero—haven’t received a red cent of taxpayers’ money since the Fall 2019.
Back in May, we announced that following our years of campaigning, lobbying, and historic investigations, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) officially disqualified the Wuhan animal lab from receiving future taxpayer funding. We’ve also worked with Rep. Scott Perry (R-PA), Sen. Joni Ernst (R-IA), and others in Congress since 2020 to successfully cut off all of the Wuhan lab’s funding streams, including from the State Department and the Pentagon.
“White Coat Waste Project, an organization that has exposed the NIH and former
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Anthony Fauci concerning funding for experiments at the
Wuhan animal lab, on Wednesday hailed the Biden Administration’s announcement.”
~ Newsmax
Now, after years of pressure from WCW, taxpayers, and Congress, the Biden Administration has finally suspended all taxpayer funding to the infamous Wuhan animal testing lab that likely caused COVID and proposed blacklisting the facility because its dangerous animal experiments pose an imminent threat to global health (as WCW has been saying for years!).
We first called on President Biden to permanently cut the Wuhan animal lab’s funding in February 2021.
We even exposed how, as recently as last year, Biden’s NIH was lobbying against our efforts with lawmakers to defund the Wuhan lab.
We’re glad they’ve finally come around.
The Biden Administration memo announcing the Wuhan animal lab’s suspension and proposed blacklisting specifically cites the lab’s misconduct related to deadly Fauci-funded gain-of-function experiments on humanized mice.
Taxpayers shouldn’t be forced to fund a foreign lab run by an adversarial nation that wasted money, tortured animals, and engineered super viruses that probably caused a pandemic.
Continuing to ship tax dollars to the Wuhan lab and other unaccountable animal testing labs in foreign countries is a recipe for disaster, which is why we’re working with Congress to cut this worldwide waste.
The solution is simple:
Stop die grausamen Tierversuche … was sind das für ♥️ lose Menschen, die Tiere so leiden sehen und töten … Stop human sollte man mit Tieren umgehen … Stop den Wahnsinn endlich … das ist Tierquälerei … und grausam
Shut them down!