In advance of Sunshine Week, 2019 WCW "Congressional Waste Warrior" awardee Senator Joni Ernst (R-IA) took to the Senate floor to shed light on egregious and secretive government waste, and...
Taxpayer-funded monkey experimenters don't want you to know how much of your money they're wasting to create drunk monkeys and abuse other primates in experiments, but White Coat Waste Project...
Update: (6/11/2020) If you need more proof that your voice matters, and together we can make a real difference: Following WCW’s efforts and pressure from Congress and the public, last...
On Wednesday, the House of Representatives voted unanimously to defund painful experiments on dogs at the Department of Veterans Affairs that were exposed by WCW. But, as first reported...
The Federal Accountability in Chemical Testing (FACT) Act, a White Coat Waste Project-endorsed bill that would require federal agencies to disclose much more information about the poisoning tests they do on...
Animal testing by cosmetics companies is becoming a thing of the past, but did you know that the federal government is still secretively forcing you to pay for cruel, ineffective...
We have major news! The government's watchdog office is about to begin its first-ever audit of billions in spending on and transparency about federal experiments on dogs and millions of...
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