White Coat Waste’s (WCW) new “Seeing Red” investigation exposes deadly experiments on dogs in NIH-funded Chinese labs The NIH is currently paying a Chinese lab over $2 million U.S. tax dollars to force-feed and inject puppies and other animals with experimental drugs in completely unnecessary and wasteful tests WCW has obtained videos and other...
Citing White Coat Waste Project investigations, 11 lawmakers are demanding the immediate suspension of all ongoing dog and cat experiments approved under Dr. Fauci, stating “We are alarmed by NIAID’s obfuscation and wasteful spending on unnecessary dog and cat research.” Newly-released records obtained via a WCW Freedom of Information Act lawsuit show Fauci funded...
WCW’s new Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) investigation reveals the National Institutes of Health has wasted $430,000 for abusive experiments on cats. Cats confined at the Georgia Institute for Technology have restraint devices drilled and cemented into their skulls, electrodes inserted in their brains, metal coils implanted into their eyes and are forced to...
WCW’s new investigation reveals the National Institutes of Health (NIH) wasted $1,700,000 for devastating experiments on cats. The NIH has been funding a collaboration between Georgia Tech and Russian labs to amputate the limbs of healthy animals, replace their limbs with prosthetics, electroshock their muscles, and force them to walk on treadmills. The cats...
Documents obtained by White Coat Waste Project provide new details about the dangerous $1 million bird flu gain-of-function experiments being conducted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture in collaboration with a Wuhan animal lab white coat tied to the Chinese government. Records secured by WCW via the Freedom of Information Act show that animals...
Biden State Department emails obtained through a White Coat Waste Project lawsuit show that the Tunisian lab that locked beagles in cages with biting flies admitted to the U.S. Embassy and the press that Fauci funded the testing the same day the NIH denied it to U.S. media. In 2021, WCW’s Beaglegate campaign exposed...
Have you heard the good news? Following a WCW investigation and vigorous campaign, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has canceled a wasteful plan to perform painful medical device experiments in which seven cats—the Stokes 7—would have had wiring implanted into their legs and backs, risking paralysis and death. The VA has also confirmed that...
Following a WCW campaign, the Department of Veterans Affairs has canceled a wasteful plan for painful medical device experiments in which seven cats—the Stokes 7—would have wiring implanted into their legs and backs, risking paralysis and death. Since WCW first exposed the Stokes 7 in July 2023, WCW has lobbied Congress, ran billboards, TV, and...
A new WCW investigation has confirmed that the Department of Veterans Affairs canceled plans to waste $124K to fatten up monkeys in order to induce an eye disorder and then kill and dissect them. The Charleston VA quietly canceled the wasteful project after WCW got Congress to enact legislation restricting VA spending on primate...