A bombshell WCW investigation and Freedom of Information Act lawsuit have exposed how COVID’s likely Patient Zero, Ben Hu, was a Wuhan animal lab white coat being directly funded with U.S. tax dollars. Our documents show that Hu was personally funded with portions of $41 million in taxpayer-funded grants doled out by Dr.Fauci’s NIAID and USAID specifically to perform dangerous virus-hunting and gain-of-function experiments on humanized mice with bat coronaviruses that experts believe caused COVID.
If Ben Hu is patient zero, then this WCW investigation reveals the origin of COVID.
Major national and international media outlets highlighted WCW’s years-long pursuit of COVIDs origins and how these new documents could be the smoking gun that points to the Wuhan animal lab as ground zero for the pandemic:
Lawmakers praised WCW’s relentless investigation and key role in uncovering evidence pointing to a lab leak in Wuhan as the source of the Covid-19 pandemic: