EXPOSED: Taxpayers Funding Gruesome Animal Tests Using Human Fetal Tissue

Posted by Justin Goodman
20 August 2019 | Blog

This morning in the Washington Examiner, White Coat Waste Project (WCW) and Pro-Life San Francisco (PLSF) exposed how tens of millions of tax dollars are being wasted on disturbing human fetal tissue experiments on animals opposed by most Americans.

In their bipartisan op-ed, WCW board member Alyssa Canobbio Hackbarth–a Republican–and PLSF president Terrisa Bukovinac–a Democrat–describe how the University of California-San Francisco (UCSF), Harvard, and others are using tax dollars obtained from National Institutes of Health (NIH) grants to remove tissues and organs from aborted fetuses and transplant them into animals who are then abused and killed in wasteful experiments.

In one study highlighted by WCW and PLSF, UCSF implanted the reproductive tracts from human fetuses–including from a pair of aborted twins–into mice dosed with synthetic estrogen. In another, UCSF experimenters transplanted human fetal intestines onto mice’s backs.

WCW’s exposé almost immediately drew attention from Capitol Hill.  Congressman Matt Gaetz (R-FL) told reporters, “I’m disgusted that taxpayers are still being forced to pay for sick and twisted experiments in which human baby parts from elective abortions are crudely implanted into lab animals that are then also killed and dissected.” And Rep. Gaetz committed to confronting the problem:

And in an interview with Gateway Pundit, Senator Rand Paul’s (R-KY) Chief Strategist Doug Stafford applauded the new exposé, saying, “This is important work by White Coat Waste and Pro-Life San Francisco to shine a light on the expensive and gross experimentation being done with animals and fetuses. Taxpayers should not have to fund these types of tests that sound like something out of a Mary Shelley novel.”

WCW will continue its work to expose and end this waste and abuse, which only persists because animal experimenters operate with little transparency and accountability to taxpayers.  Help change that. Urge your lawmakers to cosponsor the Cost Openness and Spending Transparency (COST) Act (S 807) to ensure that animal experimenters publicly disclose how they spend taxpayers’ money!

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