POLL: Taxpayers in Both Parties Howl About Fauci’s Beagle Experiments

Posted by Amanda Nieves
20 October 2021 | Blog

White Coat Waste Project has exposed Dr. Fauci’s wasteful and cruel tests on dogs…not once, not twice, not thrice, but FOUR separate times.

We call it BeagleGate.

BeagleGate set off a media firestorm, and lawmakers have taken notice.

In August 2021, Congressman Scott Perry and fourteen other Members of Congress sent a letter to Dr. Fauci, stating bluntly: “We are concerned that these NIAID-commissioned tests on dogs are unnecessary and wasteful.”

Obviously, we agree.

Now we can say with certainty that voters agree, too.

A recent poll of a thousand taxpayers conducted by Lincoln Park Strategies asked: “Regardless of how you feel about Dr. Fauci and his position on vaccines, lockdowns, masks, the Covid response or anything else, and only based on what you know about these specific experiments on beagles, would you support ending the taxpayer funding for these dog experiments?”

The results are in: two-thirds of respondents wanted to defund Dr. Fauci’s experiments on beagles, including 62% of Republicans, 64% of Independents, and a whopping 71% of Democrats. (Only 22% of respondents wanted their tax dollars to be spent on experiments where dogs were drugged, bitten by flies, and “vocalizing in pain.”)

In other words: three times as many people want to defund Dr. Fauci’s experiments rather than to allow them to continue.

Even voters who stand shoulder-to-shoulder with Dr. Fauci’s response to the pandemic are going toe-to-toe with him about his wasteful animal experiments.

A supermajority of voters don’t want their tax dollars to be used to feed puppies to infected sand flies.

If you agree, take action: tell Congress that you don’t want your tax dollars wasted on abusing dogs and puppies in cruel and unnecessary experiments!

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