The Tale of Two Lab Kittens: The One We Saved, the One We Didn’t, and Why It’s Historic This op-ed was originally published by Sentient Media on May 13, 2021....
The Los Angeles Veterans Affairs Medical Center wasted your money to abuse and kill cats. And they tried to keep it a secret. Well we think you have a right...
Last week, following a WCW campaign, over 20 Members of Congress introduced the Cat Abuse in Testing Stops (CATS) Act to permanently defund the Department of Veterans Affairs' sickening experiments...
“The Veterans Administration is doing things to cats that would land an individual in jail, and you’re paying for it." -Nevada Current (8/13/20) 🚨 Well, they sure won’t be doing...
You can’t ignore this roar: More than 100,000 taxpayers have signed our petition demanding the Dept. of Veterans Affairs (VA) stop its wasteful, cruel, and extremely disturbing kitten experiments and...
Should the VA should be able to purchase, torture, kill, and de-brain kittens using your money in a secretive government lab, while hiding the details… in violation of federal law?...
Taxpayer-funded animal experimentation is un-American, and we have the data to prove it. Opinion surveys in recent years show Americans' growing opposition to animal experimentation, with the most recent...
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