UPDATE (7/29/21): This legislation has been passed by the House of Representatives and now awaits action by the Senate. Original post In May, the U.S. Senate passed legislation that permanently...
UPDATE (7/29/21): This legislation has been passed by the House of Representatives and now awaits action by the Senate. Original post In May, the U.S. Senate passed legislation that permanently...
Fauci Must Come Clean on Wuhan Lab by Rep. Diana Harshbarger & Anthony Bellotti In early 2020, Dr. Anthony Fauci and the National Institutes of Health knew much more than...
From the White House to the Washington Monument to Washington Post HQ, our new ad campaign is ensuring that as many taxpayers, lawmakers, reporters and NIH employees as possible...
UPDATE (November 2021): New documents we obtained from THIS LAWSUIT prove Dr. Fauci’s staffers knew that EcoHealth’s proposed animal experiments at the Wuhan lab were indeed gain-of-function — then allowed...
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you know that for over a year—since we first exposed and cut secretive U.S. taxpayer funding for dangerous coronavirus animal experiments at the...
As part of our effort to urge Congress and the White House to investigate whether a leak at the taxpayer-funded Wuhan Animal Lab caused the COVID-19 pandemic, WCW joined forced...
As White Coat Waste Project first exposed to Congress and the international media, Dr. Anthony Fauci’s division at the National Institutes of Health secretively shipped part of a $3.7 million grant funded...
Whatever you think of Dr. Anthony Fauci, whatever good things he may have done on other issues, one thing is clear: he SUCKS on taxpayer-funded animal testing! We’ve told...
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